
Nå er det snart jul igjen..

God jul🎄

Jeg skal ikke filosofere for mye rundt temaet jul, men for de fleste av oss er det forbundet med glede. Gaver og god mat. Og ikke minst at når julefreden senker seg så har solen akkurat snudd. Jeg er ikke så glad i denne mørke kalde tiden, må jeg innrømme og derfor synes jeg alle lysene før jul er stas. Og at etter jul blir dagene bitte litt lenger for hver dag. Nå hørtes dette depressivt ut og slik er det ikke, trivselen er bare bedre i det lyse halvåret. Derfor var det også fantastisk å ha knappe to uker i Sør-Afrika i november. Neste tur blir jo i mars 2026, så akkurat tidpunktet på året har ikke samme effekt, men en fin tid uansett. Har vært i Sør-Afrika i mars så det vet jeg. Men nok om det. I nyhetsbrevet for desember har jeg skrevet litt om juleoster og hva som blir å finne på bordet her i huset. Imidlertid er det flere som er innom her enn som abonnerer på nyhetsbrevet fra OSTEPERLER. Bare å melde seg på, det kommer ca ett per måned så ikke noe jamming av mailboksen din.

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Nå er det snart jul igjen.. Read Post »

Chèvre from Beaujolais

Galette du Beaujolais – chèvre from Beaujolais

For my part, I think it comes a lot of good from Beaujolais. Most famous are probably the wines and I definitely have a taste for them, even if I stay away from Beaujolais Nouveau. The hysterical times are over. But it was fun. Recently, however, I have had the pleasure of becoming acquainted with chèvre from Beaujolais. So if most beaujolais wines, but not all of them, are light and fruity, then in return they are chèvres from the region that has come my way, not at all. On the contrary. Quite striking. Even though the first cheese I got was so rammed that all the hair on me stood straight out, and I have tasted a little of each, it went in return to the affineur, and a new supply was sent. Milder and in good condition, but with a clear and distinct message that there is character.

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Raschera d’Alpeggio – cheese from Piedmont

She showed me a Raschera d’Alpeggio and asked if I had tried it before. This was at Gutta på Haugen, a local cheesemonger in Oslo, right before Easter. I hadn’t. Unfortunately I am not that into Italian cheese, but eager to learn of course. Had a fantastic mountain Fontina earlier this winter, so I am picking up – slowly. But this time, a Raschera that I hadn’t even heard about. Italian, you know. Is it an excuse? As I said, want to learn. Well, as it is, Raschera might be just that, but mine is, or rather was, Raschera d’Alpeggio. Mountain cheese versus cheese from the plains. Summer cheese versus rest of the year cheese. There’s a difference. The air, the pastures, the freedom, the view, micro dairies, no stress. Well, by and large. Does it say d’Alpeggio on the label, just go for it.

Raschera d'Alpeggio
Raschera d’Alpeggio from the Cueno province in Piedmont


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All American Cheese

It just so happened that one of my local purveyors of fine cheese announced the arrival of some American cheese. From no less than Jasper Hill Farm. This is a rare occasion worth celebrating. Being a European we have more than enough cheese to dig into, but then there are some artisan American cheeses that really is worth savouring.

American cheese?

I think most Europeans are pretty ignorant when it comes to American cheese. All the more important that we get introduced to some of the real gems. Philadelphia is the most famous American cheese around here. American brand rather, just as the Jarlsberg is more of a Norwegian brand, a strong one though, than a Norwegian cheese.

Cellars of Jasper Hill

Direct from Greensboro, Vermont, USA there came Bayley Hazen Blue and Harbison. The first from unpasteurised cows milk, and a cheese that truly belongs to this blog. Te other one, Harbison, from pasteurised cows milk, and as such not really something I deal a lot with. But alas, it is a good one.

No need to exclude it, taste is more important than anything, in my opinion at least. And this is a good cheese.

Raw-Milk Cheese Appreciation Day

Having said that though, this Saturday is Raw-Milk Cheese Appreciation Day. 18th April that is. Make it an opportunity to savor some unpasteurised cheese, of any kind really. Well, not all my readers have that opportunity, but still there are possibilities. Se your local cheesemonger, they will help you out.



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